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Women's Soul Circles

Rest and community for weary souls

I have a dream, one I have had for over 20 years. A dream of a place where women could go and be with like-minded women and speak openly and honestly regarding their inner voice.  A place where women can be really seen, where they can be honestly heard; a place of acceptance and love.  A gathering that will leave shame and fear at the door, and have love enter as a way of being for self and for other.  A group that creates space for a deeper meeting of the other; soul meeting soul.  A sacred space where women of all ages can celebrate their feminine side, could accept that part of themselves and learn from the Spirit/God wisdom deep inside each of them; the wisdom of body, the wisdom of heart, the wisdom of mind and the wisdom of soul - which is all wisdom from God.

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Soul Shabbat Chilliwack

Divine part of a living being
Period of rest, time for reflection

Designed to help women slow down and listen to their soul, to rest in Presence.

These are standalone evenings offered once a month with different themes on soul rest. 

Currently meeting at Sardis Community Church,


next meetings:

September 2023 - May 2024

Tickets required as seating is limited.

Anam Cara

Soul Friend in Gaelic
Spiritual Formation Group
Year One

A journey of 12 months with the same group of women. 


When I joined Anam Cara I knew, deep inside of myself, that this was right for me and that it was the space I had longed for. I had struggled to spend time away from family and work just for me and this was a gift I began to give myself. This group changed my life, I found the gift of journeying with other women soul to soul so transformative. 


I will be facilitating an Anam Cara group in the Fraser Valley beginning in August 2024.


Receive Monthly Soul Reflections

Includes a reminder for Soul Shabbat meetings and other soul care offerings

Thanks for submitting!

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Mary Elizabeth McCormack

"There is no longer any barrier between my essential self and the essence of God, there is union . . . in fact the union was always there."

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