Women's Soul Circles
Rest and community for weary souls
I have a dream, one I have had for over 20 years. A dream of a place where women could go and be with like-minded women and speak openly and honestly regarding their inner voice. A place where women can be really seen, where they can be honestly heard; a place of acceptance and love. A gathering that will leave shame and fear at the door, and have love enter as a way of being for self and for other. A group that creates space for a deeper meeting of the other; soul meeting soul. A sacred space where women of all ages can celebrate their feminine side, could accept that part of themselves and learn from the Spirit/God wisdom deep inside each of them; the wisdom of body, the wisdom of heart, the wisdom of mind and the wisdom of soul - which is all wisdom from God.
Soul Shabbat Chilliwack
Divine part of a living being
Period of rest, time for reflection
Designed to help women slow down and listen to their soul, to rest in Presence.
These are standalone evenings offered once a month with different themes on soul rest.
Currently meeting at Sardis Community Church,
next meetings:
September 2023 - May 2024
Tickets required as seating is limited.
Anam Cara
Soul Friend in Gaelic
Spiritual Formation Group
Year One
A journey of 12 months with the same group of women.
When I joined Anam Cara I knew, deep inside of myself, that this was right for me and that it was the space I had longed for. I had struggled to spend time away from family and work just for me and this was a gift I began to give myself. This group changed my life, I found the gift of journeying with other women soul to soul so transformative.
I will be facilitating an Anam Cara group in the Fraser Valley beginning in August 2024.
Mary Elizabeth McCormack
"There is no longer any barrier between my essential self and the essence of God, there is union . . . in fact the union was always there."